Committee elections 2015!

It’s that time of year again, well a few weeks earlier. But its once again time to vote for next years committee. 

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If you not sure or don’t know, the club is ran by a team of 7 members who from the committee. Each member has a specific role and manage day to day aspects of that. But overall they are responsible for moving the club forward and keeping it running.

And not it’s your chance to be a part of that. As we said we’ve got 7 positions open with 6 different roles. These are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Events Organisers (x2)
  • Kit Secretary
  • Web & Media Officer

Each one has a different role and anyone can run for any positions as long as they are a current member and are studying next year. Here is what each role entails in some more detail:

President: Responsible for running the day to day activities are club, they over see the work of the committee and development of the club & our members. He/She will also lead the club and act as an our ambassador to variousmeetings adding our opinion! Its a great opportunity to be the leader of the biggest clubs at the university and seen as a great chance to add your mark on our clubs future!

Vice President: You’ll be helping directly with the president as well as other aspects of the club, including the running of our pool sessions. The VP also records minutes of our meetings and helps the smooth running of the club. They also organise the last trip of the year during summer.

Treasurer: Good with money? The Treasurer is in charge of keeping the clubs finances in a good condition, they’ll budget out our spends and spots moments when we can pay for new kit, they also seek funding from various grants and funds and make sure we are not overspending! It comes with plenty of support from the SU and is one of the essential roles on the committee!

Event Organisers (x2): These 2 roles are about getting what we learn in our sessions into practice! Organising our various trips across the year and across the country, these 2 get us out of Lincoln and onto to some great rivers (and beaches). They also run our weekly club socials, from bowling nights to hitting the clubs! They’ll always have something for us to do!

Kit Secretary: Keeping our collection of kit safe and in good condition, our Kit Sec is a key role in what we offer as club (being providing the basic kit to get started) They’ll get to know which kit is best for our members and also find chances to get some new kit. They are also the clubs safety officer and make sure everyone is safe before we get onto the water.

Web & Media Officer: Keeping our members & the rest of the world well informed of what we get up to! From checking e-mails are being sent, to passing great news onto the press. The Web & Media officer is a great chance to show off some of the good stuff we do as a club, they’ll also manage our collection of video & photos dating some 10 years and publicise the club across the year!

As well as there individual roles, committee act as coaches & guides passing on experience to new and current members.

If any of these roles appeal to you, you can nominate yourself from today until the 20th of March online at Elections open the week after from the 23rd – 27th of March.

Any questions feel free to approach the current committee members or e-mail the club

Happy paddling Good luck to all who are standing!

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