CORRECTION: The last pool session will now take place on the 29th of November, this is due to issues with the pool operator
Can you believe it, the end of the term is not far away! So we’ll break down what is happening between now and the end of term in 4 weeks.
1. Intro trip 2
If you missed the first one or never been then this is a great chance for you to join us for another intro to white water trip. This is essential in learning the basic skills needed for paddling on white water. This will be taking place on Sunday the 22nd and it’ll be a day trip to Matlock in Derbyshire. If you want to come along then e-mail the club ASAP to grab a place.
2. December wales trip
This trip is making a welcome return! The weekend away to wales right in the middle of December sounds like a bad idea, but however it promises to be a great weekend of paddling and with no tents in sight as we are kipping up in a bunkhouse for the weekend. It’ll be cold but it’ll be fun, and isn’t that what kayaking is all about. Members should of got an e-mail about attending this trip and more information.
3. Christmas meal
This is a big one! The annual L.U.C.K Christmas Meal will be taking place this year on the 8th of December at Walkabout. This is a formal affair so dress to impress and enjoy a night of festive food, awards and VIP treatment at Home. More information about pricing will be up soon once we get it. But clear your dairy and prep those outfits!
4. Hoodies & Midlayers
We’ll be placing our order with Player Layer for hoodies & mid layers this month, but before we do we need to receive payments. If you’ve placed an order than please can you pay for Canoe & Kayak Hoodie or MidLayer at the SU reception before Tuesday the 24th of November.
5. Last sessions
The last session this year will be on the 9th of December, this aligns with all SU sports teams sessions which end on the 13th of December, however there will not be a pool session on the 13th due to the wales trip. The last pool session will take place on the 29th of November.
6.Other dates for your dairy
And finally we have some dates for 2016 which you might want to make free for some more paddling awesomeness!
4th – 6th of March is NSR, one of our key weekends away!
19th – 26th of March (first week of the easter break) is our provisional dates for our trip to Newquay, so clear your calendar once again.
See you all at these amazing events!
Happy Paddling!