Hello everyone and welcome back to January, we have some exciting updates for you:
NSR 2016
First of all NSR is back this year and we are planning on attending after our year out! If you don’t know what NSR is; it’s the National Student Rodeo, a kayaking festival/party weekend down the road at the White Water Centre in Nottingham. It’s a weekend of free style kayaking and features races, time trails and play boating. While there is a lot of skill on show, it’s a student event so expectations are not to high so don’t feel put off! Off the water there is a festival style atmosphere with other university teams, spectator areas, visits from Kayaking manufactures (chance to spend those xmas pennies) and 2 large parties in the evening!
The dates are the 4th – 6th of March and involves 2 nights of camping. There is also a theme each year, (the blog image should give some clues) and gives us a chance to dress up as a team, and the winning team gets loads of prizes, like literally boat loads! Our 2 events organisers are getting the final arrangements done but if you want to come you can register your interest now, check your inbox for more information. The weekend will cost £50 that covers the tickets, accommodation and entry into the parties and one nights of food. You’ll see more information on the blog and on your e-mails.
Varsity 2016
This year the University of Lincoln Students’ Union Activities and Hull University AU will be competing in 3rd ‘Humber Games’, or Varsity. And this year we are pleased to be entering a team to compete against Hull University Canoe Club. While we work out the details of events etc.. The date will be on the 16th of April and this year Hull are hosting. We’ll have more details soon once we agree of the details with HUCC.
Sessions resume
Brayford Sessions are going to resume on the 13th of January, please don’t be fooled by the mild December we had last month, it will be cold! So while your loans still fresh in your account buy some cheap thermals.
Pool Sessions are resuming on the 17th of January!
Hoodie & Mid-Layers
We understand you might be getting frustrated with the lack of Hoodies this year, and even though we’ve taken your money your still are waiting. So here is what is happening.
In October we connected PlayerLayer the SU supplier in placing an order of Hoodies & MidLayers, We wanted to add our logo and members names so it required the bespoke design/alterations so needed to be cleared by Player Layer before we took orders. Then we advertised in October for hoodies as normal, and took orders right until the 16th of November. Then we allowed 2 weeks to pay for the hoodies. As always with bespoke orders (as in the past) we took payment first. This is done to make sure we have to money to pay for production and also to make sure people who have ordered some can pay for them, and not being left out of pocket.
Once payment was confirmed we sent off the order to Player Layer on the 7th December. Understanding the festive period would mean the 4 week production time would be extended, so we hoped these be delivered at the start of term. PlayerLayer then responded adding specifications of design on the Mid-Layer needed to be changed as in the time of the original design a new policy was introdcued about location of members names, this added another week onto production time.
On the end of term (17th of December) PlayerLayer contacted us about Stock issues with the hoodies, Issue being there is no more stock of the hoodie until February. by this point all of our committee members had returned/returning home and SU drop-ins had finished so the issue was not raised for the SU. PlayerLayer offered an alternative product but seeing this not what members have ordered we thought it would not be right advertising one product and then receiving another.
The Player Layer office, production team , Students Union office then closed for the festive period on the 24th. Meaning nothing was resolved during the break.
Upon return we’ve now contacted both PlayerLayer & The Students’ Union about the problem we are still facing. These have been passed onto the Vice President who is now looking into this issue.
And thats were we are about hoodies & mid-layers, we’ve been effected by mis-communication from PlayerLayer, Red tape and being told about issues to late. We are still aiming to get the original hoodies & mid-layers which have been ordered to you ASAP. And we’ll keep you updated on the blog.
Other Kit News
Our new helmets & spray decks have been ordered and will be with us soon! We’ve also added another pair of split paddles based from feedback in Wales, these are of better quality and will easier to use in the case of if your primary paddles break or are lost.
Communication feedback
Before the end of term it was raised on improving feedback, so from 2016 we’ll be publishing agendas & minutes of committee meetings, if you have any ideas then we’d like to hear them! Drop us an e-mail!
Happy Paddling!