It’s June, so heres whats happening!
1. Membership Updates
Bad news: Membership will soon expire on the 30th of June. Good news: You’ll be able to renew with the frozen price of £55 (including SU insurance)! And even better we’ve dropped out alumni membership to £35. This has only happened due to our hard work by this years committee to find alternative source of funding to keep prices to same.
2. New logo and branding
As discussed in the AGM we are in the process of refining our new logo designs. 6 designs will be presented to the club soon for a final vote and then a rolling re-brand over summer in time for Freshers! Keep an eye out in the members Facebook Group and emails for details of this.
3. Kit Suppliers
After a tragic year of kit supplying within the SU thanks to PlayerLayer. The SU are looking to appoint a new kit supplier for the new year, and are seeking the votes of members of sports teams of the 2 short listed suppliers. Visit for all the details, you need to get your vote in before the 21st of June.
4. New Committee
Please note committee handovers finish on the 30th of June, from then it’ll return to a single committee running the club, so any issues please bring up with new committee members.
Have a great summer everyone! Any issues , questions or fancy a chat drop us a message See you all in September for our new year!
Happy Paddling