It’s almost the end of term! We’ve got some updates to share.
NSR Success
We had a great weekend at NSR and special well done to Michael and Will who won awards including first place in their competitions on the weekend. Full results and photos up on our Facebook Page!
Meeting TONIGHT!
Reminder we have our General Meeting tonight at 6pm in the Cargill lecture theater, discussing the elections and plans for next year. Please try and come along.
Brayford Clean Up
Another reminder about the Brayford Clean Up happening on Wednesday, this begins at 10am right until 3pm, more details in your inbox or the Facebook Group. This will also be the last session of the term.
Last sessions of the term
There last Brayford Session is Wednesday the 16th, and there is no pool session this week. Sessions resume after the break on April 6th.
Development fund good news!
We are pleased to announce we’ve been successful in our grant application £496 worth of new safety kit: These included: X8 Wetsuits, x1 Mountain First Aid Kit, x2 throwlines, x1 Group Safety Shelter, x3 Karabiners & Safety Tape, x2 Pairs Roof Straps, x2 river knives, x6 Airbags, x1 Set Dry Bags, x1 River Guide.
This fantastic news means that’s £496 extra left for us to invest further into the club. This grant was secured under the new system which replaced to old development fund request in front of sports committee, applications are now decided by the ‘sports zone’ officers from the SU.
This kit will be purchased gradually over time so you’ll see benefits right until June when the purchases will be complete. Overall this means we have spent almost £900 worth of new kit this year, including paddles in October, Decks in November, Helmets in December!
LCC refurbishments
We’ve been informed from the Lincoln Canoe Club, who’s building we use on Wednesdays that they are undertaking refurbishments & decorating during the easter break, while we hope this will be finished for April there might some effects on Wednesday sessions so we advise you arrive earlier to account for any extra time in kitting up.
It’s election week, over the next 6 days you’ll be able to vote for next year’s committee, all nominees will be at the meeting tonight to answer any questions and discuss there plans so make sure you hear what they have to say. Voting can be done 24/7 online at until the 20th of March.
Hoodies & Mid-Layers
Ah yes, firstly as before we apologise for the issues and frustrations with getting the club hoodies this year. As mentioned before in previous posts we’ve been struck with issues with PlayerLayer stock and service. Here is the update we can provide:
The SU is now in the process of terminating its contract with PlayerLayer due to issues across the board for all clubs, including ours. However the current contract remains in place until the end of the academic year, meaning we are not free to seek alternative suppliers. Also due to this process all communications to PlayerLayer from us now goes via the team of the SU who are dealing with the contract termination. This team have been on hold during February (due to the SU elections) so no progress was made for 2 weeks.
After discussions with the SU, VP activities, President and CEO of the SU, we are now looking to end our order with PlayerLayer as there is no foreseeable chance of gaining the ordered stock. On top of the fact all remaining stock are now in the possession of the SU (that does not included the hoodies as they have yet to even be manufactured). At this time we are arguing for us to go with an alternative supplier which Societies and non-competing sports team can do so. Dependent of this outcome of discussion will depend if we remain waiting for hoodies from PlayerLayer or we can seek alternatives, as we agree ordering these in December and still being empty handed in March is not fair on us, the members.
We will keep you updated as soon as we can, however these discussions can remain private due to the sensitive nature of contracts involved.
Apologies once again, we understand you’ve paid fairly for these products and we are working as much as we can to get leisurewear to you as we do every year. We never thought we’d be facing these issues down the line as what the SU and PlayerLayer promoted back in the introduction of this system in September!
Our annual surf trip is just under 2 weeks away, we are going to provide a final details of timings and activities this week so keep an eye out for that. If you are yet to pay the remaining costs please can you do so ASAP at the Students’ Union, we’ve extended the deadline as some have missed the 2nd payment.
So it’s been a busy month again, any questions drop us a message.
Happy Paddling!