Taster Sessions 2016

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Want to learn more about L.U.C.K. Theres no better way than coming to a taster session and meeting us! The Lincoln University Canoe & Kayak team (L.U.C.K) is hosting four taster sessions to allow you to try this exciting sport. Understand everything you need to know from this post.

When Can I come and have a go.

We are hosting 4 sessions across 2 days. The 28th September and the 5th October. With 1 hour long taster sessions at 2pm & 3pm. Please show up to only one as we need to allow everyone a chance to take part. 

What should I expect?

You’ll spend 1 hour taking part, 15 minutes gearing up, warming up and a quick safety briefing then we head onto Brayford Pool, allow you to have paddle around, plus we’ll play some games and activities to teach basic water skills. It’s flat water so no plans for anyone to fall in. 

Do I need any special kit?

No, we’ll provide the boats & paddles, as well as the safety equipment to get paddling, we just ask you dress appropriate, bring a towel and change of clothes. There is a changing room at Lincoln Canoe Club so you can easily get changed straight off the water.

What should I wear?

Sports/active wear is good. A t-shirt and swimming shorts/tracksuit trousers (no jeans). However we’ll provide a CAG to cover your torso from water. Be prepared, you will get wet, be it from splashes in the water or the rain so please wear clothing you don’t mind getting wet. But please don’t wear jeans or cotton/fleece tracksuits as these absorb water and make paddling unsafe.  Footwear wise, please wear footwear you don’t mind getting wet. 

Is it easy, safe, dangerous?

We have a team of trained students who’ve been on various BCU courses who’ll be on the water providing coaching and assistance. The Brayford Pool is a flat body so no waves or choppy water will make this great for a first time paddling. The buoyancy aid you’ll be wearing will keep you afloat if you accidentally fall in. While the Brayford pool might look questionable some days, however the Environmental Agency has deemed the water perfectly safe to paddle on. 

Overall, it’s safe and the easy to paddle on the Brayford.

Where should I meet?

We meet at the Lincoln Canoe Club, based on campus, it the building near the Minerva building (formally M.A.B), to find it walk down the road/path as if you were heading to the level crossing.

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We’d love to see you come along and try this sport out. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on Facebook, or e-mail canoe@lincolnsu.com

May Update

With a bit of quiet time due to exams and deadlines, it’s a good chance to update you on all the end of year plans we have as a team, It’s the May Update!



Big end of year Brayford Session.

With a pause on Brayford sessions during the exam/deadline season, we are going to try and compensate this with an extra special last edition, this longer session will feature games, challenges and a load of ducking about for our last session. This will be on the 25th of May and will begin slightly earlier so we can do as much as possible. Time TBC, but you’ll definitely need to bring a towel and a change of clothing.

Summer Meal

Our annual end of year summer meal and awards are fast approaching, and as your e-mail invite has told you, we are hosting this awesome evening on the 26th of May. We are glad to say we have a venue confirmed and we’ll be starting the evening off at Mailbox, followed by the awards at Walkabout. We’ll be meeting at Mailbox for 6pm on the 26th, and as with all of our end of term meals/awards, it’s a smart dress code, and there will be prizes for best dressed! We have also got VIP in Home nightclub for the rest of the evening.


As posted already, we are having our Annual General Meeting this month, this is a chance to directly influence the running of the club so it is important all members attended. If you can not you need to send your apologies in advance to canoe@lincolnsu.com. We plan for a quick AGM as such we are having this at 1pm also on the 26th at the Cargill Lecture theater. You can read the official notice here for more info about that.

Logo Design Competition

We are currently running a new logo design competition, the deadline is the 23rd of may and we want as many people to enter. You can read up about that and more info on our dedicated logo competition page here. We’ve only had a handful of entries!

So you are all caught up! Sorry for the lull in communication, but hopefully we’ll end the year right.

Happy Paddling!

NSR Update

With our Surfing trip just been announced (see our last blog post) we’d not forgotten about NSR coming up first, so here’s a quick update on what’s happening.

Firstly, the Till button will be opening sometime this week, we did plan to have it open from Monday but somethings gone wrong at the SU so we’ll update you on that. But this was also planned to close this Friday (29th) but this might be extended due to the issue, but try to pay before then please! As e-mailed the price is £50, same as last years weekend!

Secondly, this years theme is Christmas! Those who’ve been before know that themed dressing up is a big thing and the best ones are usually teams which have a joint costume, so using our creative minds we’ve come up with a great festive idea, but we can’t revel this awesome idea on the blog in case any other university has a sneaky peek and nick the idea, so keep an eye out for the e-mail with all the information you need to know.

And that’s it for now, your 2 event organisers are keeping there hands full with 2 trips to plan and keeping up the socials so keep and eye out for any information.


Happy Paddling!

‘Welcome back’ new events organiser elected.

In the past week our members have been voting for a new events organiser to join the committee. With 2 people nominating themselves for the position, this morning President Ewan Morrison revealed the winner of the election.

William Johnson won and is now the new events organiser alongside Briony Marshall, they’ll both work together alongside the rest of the committee and club to organise trips & social events across the year.

Will is not new to committee, being the previous Trip Secretary in 2013/14.

If you want to learn more about the committee and see who else makes up the core team then head over to our committee page on this blog.

Happy Paddling!

Midnight 1/2 Marathon Paddle 2015

As the academic year draws to a close, the University of Lincoln Canoe & Kayak Team are undergoing one of there key fundraisers. And the team plan to smash their target of £500 to spend on new safety equipment. 



Each of the teams members will be paddling in teams of 2-3 in Canadian canoes down a 13 mile (a half marathon) stretch of the river witham in Lincoln. However the team will be doing this task during the middle of the night, with a set off time planned at 10pm just after sunset. Meaning the team members will have to work as a team to navigate the route with no sunlight.

The funds raised from donations & sponsorship will be going towards new safety equipment for the team. Including replacing damaged Bouncy Aids, throwlines and new first aid kits. Money will also be spent on coaching up members to provide safety during river trips, allowing the team to paddle more rivers across the UK and encourage more students from the university of experience this sport safely.

The team will be doing this task on the 3rd of June 2015 and will set off from the University’s waterside campus at 10pm and return once the 1/2 marathon has been paddled.

Anyone who wants to support the team can donate online here: http://www.youcaring.com/sports-fundraiser/midnight-paddle/351885

You can follow the team during the build up for the event over on twitter @lincolnunikayak